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Sports Video Productions

  Light Form Films produces fine quality Web Videos and DVDs of sporting events in the Sedona/Cottonwood area.  We can film an entire game for the team, or make an individual video presentation for one athelete.  Individuals and Teams might want the video or DVDs to remember a special game or season of play for years to come.  Individuals can also present their video to high schools or college recruiters, for team acceptance and/or scholarships.  To see a sample of our web videos go to:


Team Videos

Filming rates:

    Our filming rates are very reasonable, especially when these costs are shared equally by team members and multiple teams.
    We can film an entire home game* for your team.  Filming rates are based on the start-to-finish time of the game.

    Our rates are not exactly fixed.  There are a number of factors which might come into play when determining what your final costs will be.  If you plan on having multiple projects, or multiple games in a tournament setting, we will discount the rates accordingly.  It is best if you contact us first to let us know what you want.  I am confident we can work out a production rate that will fit your budget.  The following rates are a guideline for when just a single game is being filmed in a one-time setting.

    $75 for games that last one hour or less.
    $40 per hour for times beyond one hour (prorated in minutes).

*We can arrange to film away games.  Rates will vary depending on travel time and any overnight accomodations.

Video Production rates:

    After the game film has been shot, we will produce your video in a number of possible forms.  The total cost of production can vary depending on the kind of end film product you would like.

Web Videos or DVDs:  Web Videos are a popular form of video presentation.  This allows anyone who is connected to the internet to view your film... friends, relatives, recruiters, scholarship committees, etc.  We can put up a separate page on our web site with your video, or we can supply you with the files to upload on your own site or to YouTube.  If you prefer having a physical DVD, we can burn them for you and design an attractive cover using stills from the game, or images that you provide to us.

Individual player videos:  When we film your game, we can focus our camera on you as an individual player, or on a few players who will share the filming costs.  The final editing of your film then involves selecting clips that show your unique skills.  Filming and editing rates are the same as for team videos.  We can also schedule a short private interview with you that will be included on the finished video.  This can be a very effective way to introduce yourself to those who will be viewing the film.  The interview can be done at the end of the game, or we can schedule this at a separate time in our home studio, or in another convenient location.  There is no separate charge to interview you after the game other than adding the interview time to the overall time of the game.  If you come to our home studio for the interview, the rate is $40 per hour.  ($40 minimum)  There is no extra charge if more than one person comes for an interview.

Editing your video:  There are a number of options for your video.  We can make a video of the entire game, or edit it down to selected highlights, and add production values to meet your own tastes.  Good production values include titles, computer graphics, musical backgrounds, stills or freeze framed shots, slow motion, cross fades and credits.  Special lower rates apply if you simply want the full game without extensive production values.  Talk to us about this.

    If you want the video to have some high quality production values, then we will need to know exactly what you want.  You might prefer an edited video of from 5 to 15 minutes long which shows the games highlights.  For this you may select specific clips that you want to include, or we can select the highlights for you.  Reviewing game film and selecting clips can take considerable time, so this can be a bit costly for you if we do all the reviewing.  However, if you wish to choose the clips yourself, you can come to our home studio and review the footage of the entire game and select the clips you wish to include in your finished video.  We will set up the computer with your film and show you how to review the film and how to identify your favorite clips.  This will help to keep your costs down.

    A sample of this type of edited video can be found at: http://lightformfilms.com/Big-Park-Coyotes.html

Uploading options for your web video:  Once we have completed your web video, there are four basic options for uploading the video to the internet:

    $10 - We provide the video file on a thumbdrive, CD or DVD* for your webmaster to upload on your own web site.
    $10 - We upload the video to YouTube.  (YouTube videos must comply with copyright laws.)
    $20 - We create a new web page with your video for your web site.**
    $30 - We create a new web page with your video and upload this on our own web site (www.lightformfilms.com).  In this case we will host your video for a year at no added cost.

*When we provide a thumbdrive, there is a $20 deposit.  The $20 is refunded when the thumbdrive is returned.
If you bring us your own thumbdrive, no deposit is required.
**We can upload the web page directly to your site if you provide us with the ftp protocols.


    If you wish to have your finished video burned on a DVD, we can provide this finished service.  DVDs allow you to archive your video for years to come.  Keep in mind that most of today's DVD players cannot play High Definition DVDs.  Your video can be burned on a Standard Definiton DVD, which can be played on virtually all DVD players.  DVD standards are now in a state of flux, and it is unclear if Blu-ray, HD-DVD, streaming or some other medium will dominate future viewing.  At this time we do not produce Blu-ray DVDs because these will not play on most of the DVD players in use.  We can produce HD-DVDs, however, these will play only on some Apple products, but not on a majority of DVD players in existence today.  Hence, we normally produce only Standard Definition DVDs.  The quality is reasonably good, but it does not match the clarity of High Definition television programs.
    We put your DVD in an attractive case, and provide the graphics for the cover.  Below is a recent sample of one of our covers:

    Rates for our DVDs:
        $75 to create the cover, format the DVD file, and burn the first 5 DVDs.
        $5 per each additional DVD.

Contact Information
If you wish to discuss your sports video project, please email or phone us:

Carl Schmidt
Light Form Films
