<BGSOUND SRC="Floating.mp3">

Music for Films

The following album, Still Moving,*has been written and recorded
as a sampler for film scores for Light Form Films.
(All songs copyrighted by Carl Schmidt)

    I encourage flimmakers and musical producers to listen to the sample music provided below.  We will be happy to provide a sampler CD to any filmmaker.  If you are interested in using any of these songs, or portions of these songs, or if you wish to talk to Carl about recording possibilities, you may contact him directly at:

Email: carl@lightformfilms.com
Phone:  928-204-1902

To listen to these pieces, click on the links below:

Little One
Now Playing

A short description of each piece is provided below.

Little One*4:53
  Little One is a sweet heart-felt song, using guitars, violins, piano and light percussion.  The guitars and piano weave delicate melody lines that blend together as one voice.  The simple beauty of this song encourages the listener to relax and enjoy the simple pleasure of being alive.


  Flyingis a slow paced song, using solo violin and solo cello, with a background of strings, vocals and delicate bells.  It sets a very sweet mood, suggesting both joy and longing.


  Floatingis a spirited, upbeat song, using vibraphones, violin, cello and bass strings.  It is light-hearted, and lilting.  It has a buoyant and rhythmic flow.


  Driftingis a jazz song, using piano, horns, bass, synthesizer and drums.  It is an easy flowing tune, where the piano and the horns talk back and forth to each other, in a balanced and evolving way.


  Kindnessis a lovely song played on a lyrical grand piano with vocal and string accompaniment.  It has a sweet and solemn melody line played on the piano, which runs through the entire song.  It's name, Kindness, is an indication of its emotional effect.  It creates and sustains a solemn and ceremonial mood.


  Whalesuses a motion synthesizer, vocals, strings, horns and vibraphones to capture a mood that is carefree and easy.


  Strollingis a light hearted, effervescent song using electric guitar with congas and cymbals.  It is easy to imagine someone taking a breezy walk through the city or out in the country.
Contact us about our film services